our mission
is simple
Grow the fitness community through convenience, connection, and class variety. Having options, a community to sweat with, and classes that don’t eat into your schedule are key to maintaining any fitness routine. Our two classes cover the strength, speed, core and cardio needs of the fitness community.
It’s time to take a different approach to your workouts, with other real life sh*t to conquer. IYKYK.
the workouts
it’s easier than it looks...
HIIT highlights the functional strength, speed, and cardio we all know + love - think treadmills, total-body airbikes + rowers, and free weights. All utilized in an interval and circuit-style format.
(high-intensity interval training)
LIIT is built around foundational strength, core, and cardio. Free weights, slam balls, and benches are our ingredients of choice!
(low impact interval training)